((#Jewels)) "We must give up that silly idea of folding our hands and waiting upon God to do everything for us. If God intended that, He would not have given us a mind; He would not have given us intelligence; He would not have given us His soul; he would not have placed us here in the midst of creation, and surrounded us with all the beautiful things of nature. Whatsoever you want in life you must take up your mind to do it for yourself and accomplish it for yourself; whether it is rearing a home, expanding an Empire, if you want to do it you must do it for yourself and then God will bless the effort because he will realize that you are using your intelligence for the best. That is my message to you tonight I do hope you have absorbed it because it is only by absorbing it you will be able to mentally and physically rise above the things that environ you. Africa calls you to service; Africa calls you to Empire- a universal Empire. Africa calls you to a universal freedom and until we answer, #Africa will never rise from the dust, because we have lost the inspiration of our fathers." #MarcusGarvey #UNIA #LifeandLessons #MalcusMosiahGarvey #Garveyism #Ethiop #ChildrenOfTheSun #DoResearch #SeekKnowledge #SeekTruth #WeWillNotBeSilent #WeDV8 #DothaKnowledge #SlimBabyGfx #TeachtheYouthTruth #1000Network

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