#DoYou For some smoking cannabis, commonly referred to as herb, weed, kaya,bhang, sinsemilla (Spanish for 'without seeds'), or ganja (from the Sanskrit word ganjika, used in ancient India), is a spiritual act, often accompanied by Bible study; they consider it a sacrament that cleans the body and mind, heals the soul, exalts the consciousness, facilitates peacefulness, brings pleasure, and brings them closer to Jah. They often burn the herb when in need of insight from Jah. The burning of the herb is often said to be essential, "For it will sting in the hearts of those that promote and perform evil and wrongs." #DoResearch#SeekKnowledge #SeekTruth #WeDV8#SeedsofHigherPower #RealDifferent #RidahMovement #CloudSurf #Herb #WeHawkin #RedEyeJedis #AboveitAll #iflywithhawks #SkyyTribe #Dab #Wax #MedicinalMarijuana #MaryJane #BhangMode #SkySkrape #HerbalLife #GoGreen #Indica #Indo #thegodfather #francisfordcoppola #SlateStoneMusic 🔱

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